Everyone's a winner!
This fan-favorite fundraiser comes around every other year. Luck of the Draw begins with an exhibit that features 80 pieces of artwork donated by our very generous local artists and craftspeople. 80 tickets for this event are available for sale, and ticket holders will get to rank each artwork in the exhibit on a 'wish list,' which is then used during the final ticket drawing event to determine what work of art they go home with! You can't lose!
How to participate:
How It Works: 80 Luck of the Draw Tickets will be available for purchase for $80 each. Every Luck of the Draw Ticket holder will go home with one of 80 pieces of art in the exhibit - valued at a minimum of $80 - donated by local and regional artists.
To Participate: 1. Buy your Luck of the Draw Tickets at the CAA - Tickets are only available until October 19th! 2. Take time to visit the exhibit, view all of the artworks, and rank them on your wish list! (#1 = your favorite piece, etc.) 3. At the final ticket drawing, all of the tickets will be selected at random. When your ticket is chosen, you will win the highest ranked piece on your wish list that's still available! You Can't Lose! Up the Odds: Ticket Holders can also participate in the Joker’s Wild Raffle! Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the CAA. For $2 a piece and 3 for $5, buy as many as you like. The lucky individual whose raffle ticket is drawn automatically wins their first choice of the artworks on display! King's Crown: Buy into our additional King's Crown Raffle, initial Luck of the Draw ticket purchase required for participation! Purchase a King's Crown Raffle Ticket for an additional $20 for the chance to win "Green Landscape" by Tracy Helgeson. |
Use the slideshow below to view all 80 pieces or click here for a more detailed viewing experience, 2024
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